After your studies
Career options in Molecular Medicine
Acquired skills
When graduating from the master’s program you will receive a certificate, a transcript of record and a diploma supplement. The diploma supplement gives information about the study program and the acquired competences, skills and career options.
The master’s program impart the following skills:
Professional competences
- Subject-specific knowledge in molecular medicine with a focus on human molecular pathomechanisms
- Independent problem solving
- Theoretical knowledge and practical application of cellular, molecular and biomedical laboratory methods
- Laboratory safety and laboratory animal handling
All subject-specific contents are delineated in the module handbook.
Learning and methodological competences-
- Literature search
- Independent design and practical realization of research projects in the field of molecular medicine
- Documentation, interpretation and critical analyses of research results
- Oral and written presentation of scientific contents in English
- Independent and efficient familiarization with novel subjects and research fields
Social and self competences
- target-oriented time management
- Independence and self-organization
- Capacity for teamwork and communication
- Ability to give and receive criticism
- Rational and responsible scrutinization of ongoing developments in biomedical research
The individual profile of each graduate is more than his or her acquired subject-specific skills. It encompasses a multitude of subject-specific and interdisciplinary experiences and competences.
Job opportunities
What can you do with a degree in Molecular Medicine? Our graduates work in academic and industrial biomedical research at universities, research facilities and in the pharmaceutical industry. The most common career choice after graduation from the master’s program is to pursue a PhD.
Graduates of Molecular Medicine also work in other field, due to their specific knowledge in biology and medicine. We regularly invite former students to give insights into their work and talk about career possibilities.
Possible field of occupation, e. g.
- Independent and leading positions in basic research and development, in biomedical technology, production and quality management
- Administration, marketing, consulting and publication
- Independent and leading positions in molecular diagnostics at universities and private laboratories
- Governmental / regulatory supervision of laboratory diagnostics and administration
- Leading positions at core units in universities and research facilities
Since 2013 the Faculty of Medicine and the Forschungsstiftung Medizin anually award the Cord-Michael Becker-Preis. This award distinguishes an outstanding dissertation in the area of Molecular Medicine. All graduates of Molecular Medicine or closely related programs are eligible for application.
By awarding this prize, the Research Foundation honors Professor Dr. Cord-Michael Becker who developed the degree program of Molecular Medicine at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. The prize is endowed with 5,000 EUR and is awarded in recognition of an outstanding doctoral thesis in molecular medicine. It will be presented during a colloquium of the Faculty of Medicine on October 13, 2018. Personal attendance of the awardee on October 13 is a prerequisite for receiving the award.
Prerequisites for application are a diploma, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Molecular Medicine and a doctoral degree with for outstanding thesis obtained within the last 2 years. To apply, the following documents have to be supplied: a CV, a list of publications, the degree certificate(s), doctoral degree certificate and doctoral thesis as well as three references (university professors). Please submit your application by May 1st, preferably in electronic form.
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